
The player will be scored based on how long each of his bots survived during a current level.

Scoring system

Each level, the player can earn up to X00 points, where X=number of characters on the player's team (player included). These points translate into in-game currency (Aurora Military Currency, or AMC for short) on a 1:1 ratio.

When the player completes a level, each teammate (including himself) scores the player points (out of 100) equal to the percentage of the level they survived.

Example: Let's say the player has two bots on his team, and everybody survives the level. The player earns 100 points from the first bot, 100 points from the second bot, and 100 points from himself, for a perfect score of 300. This translates to the player earning 300 AMC, the maximum possible for that level.

Another example: Let's say the player had four bots on his team, two of them die a quarter way through, the player dies near the middle, another dies at the very end, but the last bot wins the round. The player earns 25 points each from the first two bots, 50 points for himself, 90 points from the fourth bot, and a full 100 for the remaining bot. For a final total of 390 points, which translates into 390 AMC.

Purpose of score

The score can serve as motivation for a player to replay a mission to score higher. I'm also considering a business model where score points can be spent to unlock map packs of additional content (or purchased with real money directly). The AMC can be used to purchase DLC map packs without paying real-world money.


The score is calculated as follows:

S = (L/p) + (L/b1) + (L/b2) + (L/b3) + (L/b4)

S = Score
L = length of match, in seconds
p = seconds player survived
bn = seconds the nth bot survived

In the early levels, when the player only has two bot on his team, b4 and b5 are automatically set to zero. When the player's squad increases to four, b4 is unlocked and only b5 is automatically set to zero.

Additional teammates beyond five

Occasionally, levels will have extra fighters beyond your standard squad (Cunningham, Homer, Berenson, and Rollins.) These additional bots will aid the team in combat and you can heal them, but they do not count for score and the player only needs to worry about keeping his squadmates alive to get the best possible score.


This is how the round shows the player's score at the end of a sublevel. The first two teammates survived the whole round. The third died early in the level. The fourth and fifth died about midway through, but were revived with a [[rez grenade]]. The fourth died close to the end of the level, but the fifth survived the rest of the map. The display "fills in the lines" from start to finish, as a sort of visual demonstration of the team's progression and performance. (look at Left 4 Dead 2's end-round screen as an example: )

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